A Signal Transfer Point (STP) relays SS7 messages between signaling end-points such as service switching points (SSPs), service control points (SCPs) and other signaling transfer points. It will always attempt to find the best route for this communication.
Most STPs have the functionality to create a copy of traffic based on MAP opcodes. This copy may then be sent to some application.
The TruTeq active signaling proxy adds significant value to this functionality by:
- On-routing based on content
- Active responses to mimic downstream elements
- Routing the same content to more than one application
- Failover between applications
- Intelligent filtering of information
- Selection of application-friendly interface protocols such as XML over HTTP, JSON or SSMI
Some examples of applications based on the Active Signaling Proxy are:
- Inbound roamer detection
- Dynamic SIM provisioning
- Reverse location
- Roaming steering
- Big data harvesting and ingestion