Good to see you are interested!
There are several steps in the process, but let's first see if you are applying for the correct position.
The output of vResult for the following is “358724751234”. What was the String in vOriginal? (Without “”s)
String vOriginal = null; String vResult = vOriginal.replaceFirst("(^0)(d*)$", "358$2"); System.out.println (vResult);
What is the correct SQL aggregate function to use for selecting the total of all amount columns?
Answer must be in Upper-Case.
SELECT AVG(amount) from balance;
What is the Date and Time for the following Time-In-Milliseconds: 1490172048329 ?
(use the format yyMMddHHmmss)
Convert the following UTF-16 byte[] into a Hexadecimal String, with no leading Zeros and in Upper-Case format.
(example “test” = “FEFF0074006500730074”)
byte[] vMessage = "Åäö".getBytes("UTF-16"); String vResult = null; vResult = vResult.toUpperCase(); System.out.println (vResult);
The following method is trying to create a unique String from the Time-In-Milliseconds: 1490172048329.
The method wants to put “s” in the first position, “e” in the last position
and the Integer value of the Character at position of “aCounter” in the Time-In-Milliseconds value going backwards.
There are several Syntax issues in the method “brokenUniqueMaker”, assume the content in the if/else-if/else blocks are OK.
Fix the “brokenUniqueMaker” method only and input the result if it was runs as;
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println ( brokenUniqueMaker (null, 13, 1490172048329l) ); } Note the Result must be 13 characters in length. public String brokenUniqueMaker (final String aRef, int aCounter, long aTimeInMillis) { aCounter--; if (aRef = null) { aRef = "s"; return brokenUniqueMaker (aRef, aCounter, aTimeInMillis); } else if (aRef.length() < aCounter) { aRef += Long.toString(aTimeInMillis).charAt(aCounter); return brokenUniqueMaker (aRef, aCounter, aTimeInMillis); } else { return aRef + "e"; } }